25Friends 3Fans
male 中國人的台北市, Taiwan
Fermicon says
10 years ago
Fermicon says
10 years ago
Fermicon says
10 years ago
Fermicon says
10 years ago 2
祭止兀 (被砍頭啦~~~
Fermicon says
10 years ago
it is our basic human right to be fuck ups. This civilization was founded on fuck ups
Fermicon says
10 years ago
這個政府老是不想解決人民提出的問題,只想解決提出問題的人民 真的是幹他媽的
Fermicon says
10 years ago
Fermicon says
10 years ago
台灣:自己的國家自己救 China:自己的人民自己殺 全城被包圍 茂名反PX內幕驚人 | 茂名PX | 坦克 | 周永康 | 大紀元
Fermicon says
10 years ago
We are a democratic country, we are against the potential risk of China communists meddling in our hard earned democracy!
Fermicon says
10 years ago
I choose to protest peacefully today for Taiwan democracy. We don't want a China trade deal that does not go through people's consent.