I wrote this song
I always get 100% in tests; except when i don't. 我總是得到100%在測試,除非沒有。
my teacher's like 'get rid of these crap and shit desks.'then the whole class when 'ewww.Mr said the s word'then he's like ''no,i said ship'
''F'' my karma's going down..
2nd attempt to drive a car was a fail! forgot where the brakes were.......:S
第一次看到人家被dump! sad
Richard Clayderman Rocks!
今天有兩個教室(A1跟A2)著火了!我跟我的同學聽到alarm以為是人家的手機.結果過了一分鐘我們看到大家網球場衝.我們才跟這去.老師叫大家排隊點名.然後才跟大家講說真的著火了.他叫我們在這裡等消防隊滅火.所以我們就一直坐在那裏聽ipod阿 或用手機.