58Friends 82Fans
male Aurora, CO, United States
FreelanceTwins says
16 years ago
Finally private tab is back, and so am I more or less :-o
FreelanceTwins says
16 years ago 3
I'm home from visiting my family, my mini-vacation. Now it's back to work
FreelanceTwins says
16 years ago
I was bored with work so I drove 4 hours to visit my family for the weekend. Ahh time to relax :-)
FreelanceTwins asks
16 years ago 3
who the hell is Sarah Palin?
16 years ago 5
here comes the Obama speech!
16 years ago
Not doing much work today. Just waiting for Obama's acceptance speech
16 years ago
I was very impressed with Hillary's speech
16 years ago 4
debating whether or not to go check out the DNC downtown Denver
FreelanceTwins asks
16 years ago 9
how many kids you have (or want, if you don't have kids) and why
16 years ago 5
I know I'm late but... Obama Biden! I know I'm excited