2Friends 8Fans
male Blacksburg, VA, United States
Just your average Rob making in the world on trons
GageGecko says
13 years ago
Free dinner at The Homeplace is always a winner.
GageGecko says
13 years ago
They hate it it when you refuse to pull forward at the drive thru and I love telling them I'm not going to. :-)
GageGecko says
13 years ago
Liking this weather but feel like it's going to snow again soon. Blacksburg mindset?
GageGecko says
13 years ago
Kaos Studios. You should not be allowed to make video games. Homefront is the worst game I've played in years. Total suckfest.
GageGecko says
13 years ago
No, no Steve. You're magical! Nut job.
GageGecko says
13 years ago
I may not survive this game.
GageGecko says
13 years ago
I've decided it's too nerve racking for any team I like to play in the big game. I have resorted to large amounts of alcohol. :-)
GageGecko says
14 years ago
Just finished the extended cut of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. That's a little like taking the long route to the Andromeda Galaxy. 12+ hrs
GageGecko says
14 years ago
GageGecko says
14 years ago
Windows 7 Phone on sale today, first time many of you are hearing about it? No long lines? No Interest?That's because your phone sucks Bill!