4Friends 1Fans
male Lexington, KY, United States
I'm Nathan. I'm a UF fan. I'm engaged to likeomgitsashley. I'm awesome.
Gatorbait1408 says
15 years ago
it's time for a Cruise to the Caribbean.
Gatorbait1408 says
15 years ago
Gatorbait1408 says
15 years ago
Go Gators!
Gatorbait1408 has
15 years ago
been playing COD:4 and COD:5 all day. Honka!
Gatorbait1408 is
15 years ago
fighting the itch to spend money! I want itttt. Ahhh.
Gatorbait1408 is
15 years ago
tired of sickness allll around me!!! ahhh
Gatorbait1408 has
15 years ago
just got done working out on the Wii Fit. My Abs hurt like crap. Hopefully by summer I'll have a FIT body! Beaacchhh.
Gatorbait1408 is
15 years ago
wanting a Flip Ultra... soooo bad.
Gatorbait1408 is
15 years ago
eating a Italian BMT from Subway!!! MMM.
Gatorbait1408 is
15 years ago
off to work in the 10 degree weather. I'm wide awake for some reason. So thats a plus!