6Friends 5Fans
female Philadelphia, PA, United States
Ginny is
16 years ago 5
glad it rained, but now it's more humid than it was before. (s_annoyed)
Ginny has
16 years ago 9
French toast for dinner
Ginny feels
16 years ago 13
Ginny feels
16 years ago 3
*stupid* She just realized she last her Red Wings extension with the firefox update
Ginny thinks
16 years ago 9
it's hilarious that the next ep of How It's Made has hockey pucks. (s_LOL)
Ginny loves
16 years ago 29
How it's made. Today it's Zambonis (woot)
Ginny says
16 years ago 7
clearance at Target is possibly a bad thing. *Everyone* needs an emergency blanket ... right?
Ginny says
16 years ago 6
now she wants ice cream (s_mmm)
Ginny is
16 years ago 5
debating if she wants to go furniture shopping
Ginny has
16 years ago 13
new emoticons :-D (s_dance)