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United States
Althea Brooks - The City

Temporary Character List: At TheSunSingsForThem tumblr. Tumblr
Tell me about handwaved cr you think makes sense/want while I try and get my brain working to write?
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Psychological questions Something I can try to do later to get into the writing mood~ I'd say to specify characters but most of you only know my Althea so I'll assume they're for her unless otherwise stated. XD
ahhhhh, i will try to get to event stuff and more tags tomorrow after I rest because today was full of stress and medical stuff and I just want to watch stuff on youtube and crash. :"D
I need to sleep for an appointment tomorrow but my anxiety just flared up and now I'm just kinda
Althea's never been to a fair/carnival thing before, this is going to be fun~ the faces amuse me
Bluhhhh, I'm falling behind on writing again but I'm in paiiiiin. Hopefully some pain meds and rest will let me do stuff again, because I gotta catch up and also want to play more games. ;A;
All of my weather things says there's a storm. My computer in the bottom right says storm. Noaa says there's a storm. GUESS WHAT, THERE'S NO STORM. Or rather, it's all BARELY MISSING WHERE I LIVE AGAIN just give me the damn rumbles, wtf