d0nt Let be s0 stupid on judging pe0pLe by their race... it's so unfair give chance f0r 0bama...
0bama f0r da win!!! deserves a cHance 2 pr0ve his pr0mises...
wIsh u wer Hir wid me...
stiL w8 4u 2 c0me and kn0ck on my heaRt
so tired.....
uploading 82ph0tos...hehehe
buTterfinger, 3musketeers, twix, milky'way, snickers... yuMmmy yUm'yuM,.... waNt s0me?
a nice treat f0r my tUmMy..., 3breadS fr0m *breAdtaLk* anD a 1 BiG'meaL..hahahaha im reaLy on dieT,,..
im tiRed,,, wh0osssh,,