Islamabad should get over the secret operation not like they dont know how dominant the US is. US can fuckntear 'em asses into 1/2 anytime.
" me : whats the formula for ##? E : you mean how to get ##? " ...OMFG SO STUPID!
ppl with foursquare i'll send my assassins after you.
I wonder why even malays speak like cinapek in online games
I would support Al-Qaeda only if they'd bomb soccer and badminton matches for me.
Retribution will tear the high school female bullies into half by penetrating their pussies.
girls are drooling over chris hemsworth. not making sense. he's looks so fucking old in thor.
Another major natural disaster will befall a continent next year.
funny...ppl whine when its only 36degree out there. be grateful.
The world needs a modern day hitler to gas geeks and nerds to death.