sticks his turtles on a treadmill and hooks it up to SL's asset server in an attempt to fuel it with turtle power... ohh well. Goodnight!
in class wishing he were at home so he could work more on turtles!
heading to bed downright exhausted, but affiliate vendors are out there! Sent them in the group notice, will put them in the store tomorrow
kicks SL's asset server in the junk for going down when I was so close to getting affiliate vendors complete
Hoping to get affiliate vendors done tonight! For now though I have to head to class. be back in about 2 hours
going to bed exhausted. See you all tomorrow!
home and ready to get the update prepared to launch 8)
up early to work on the update before classes
heading to bed, didn't quite get the updates in tonight but looking good for tomorrow 8)
working on the next round of turtle updates! since these are functionality added updates I am grouping them together to reduce the frequency