33Friends 11Fans
female Singapore
Ping has
15 years ago
just gotten a new fone ytd :-D so happy!
Ping says
15 years ago
lastly,i love my baby! dont get angry if u dont receive my morning call okay?cos my mum dont want me to talk on fone :/
Ping is
15 years ago
gonna go bath and study for chem le bye everyone :-)
Ping has
15 years ago
just finish watching i like it hot the movie.woosh,2hr.haha
Ping says
15 years ago
bored :/
Ping says
15 years ago
Ping says
15 years ago
baby,i dint know.nxt time tell me all these okay?
Ping says
15 years ago
just watch finish antique of the guy is hot,but he's a
Ping says
15 years ago
bye (wave)
15 years ago
(shouts)ITS TIME TO WAKE UP! haha hopes he sees this