34Friends 19Fans
female New York, NY, United States
I am 'made in' Taiwan~but currently in nyc now...temporarily...
♥ cheers ♥
HuiyuLin wonders
15 years ago
why homeless are everywhere in Seattle?maybe its cuz there is much smaller than nyc,i feel like they much more in Seattle than in new york
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago 3
sickness is killing me :-&
HuiyuLin thinks
15 years ago
what does FDIC do???
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago 4
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago 4
fortune cookie:Soon you willbe sitting on top of the world.What this suppose to mean?Something good going to happen?anyone believes in this?
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago 2
今晚月亮真是又大又圓!! 月餅節要到囉~!!! 我要綠豆椪!
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago 5
吃個中餐..打個球..目送瘋子完成Grand Cayon夢..圖書館看書..晚餐..電影..睡覺..what a life
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago 4
該死的蚊子!叮了我九個包!!而且都在腳上!!!氣死我了啦 X-(
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago 12
這學期課挺難...不過愈是難愈要加油! go go go!!
HuiyuLin says
15 years ago