35Friends 31Fans
male Lipa, Philippines
IAN is the name!!..oRdinAry tEeNaGe guy.
eVeryDay i tRy to imProVe mYseLf aNd bEc0me a beTter peRson.
tHe bEst fEeLin' iS wEn u kNeW u cHangEd sUm1z LyF.
i bLiV dAt evErydAy is soMetin' neW a wAy fOr mE 2 LeArN fRoM my miStakEs aNd tRy nOt to dO i
iAn shares
13 years ago
updating :-D
iAn shares
13 years ago
Coheed and Cambria-In Keeping Secrets: Three Evils
iAn is
13 years ago
updating :-D
iAn is
13 years ago
updating :-D
iAn feels
13 years ago
:-& (sick)
iAn is
13 years ago
playing guitar
13 years ago
iAn says
13 years ago
update lang
iAn says
13 years ago
bk8 kc ayaw nya :-D
iAn says
13 years ago
happy valentines