49Friends 9Fans
female Bradenton, FL, United States
10 years ago
New post! Lots of upcoming stuff from Boogers! Take a look! Link on the flickr page
.Ir. wishes
10 years ago
that some stupid people would just shut up for once...
.Ir. wonders
10 years ago
Anyone on here who has flickr should follow me! I'll follow back :-D
Ir & Niffy [Face.It-We.Suck]
10 years ago
A new shop opened up recently... Here's a post on a few of their outfits! Take a look and stop by her store!
[Face.It-We.Suck]: Make Them Dance Just Like youIr & Niffy [Face.It-We.Suck]
10 years ago
FINALLY! I'm done with the new template for my blog. Take a look!
10 years ago
Uuuuugh taking a break from my blog to work on my blog >.> I need a life..
10 years ago
Okay! Working on revamping my blog again, whatcha think so far? Working on the menus right now. I know some of the pics look crappy now, she uses skinny pics. [Face.It-We.Suck]
10 years ago
Diiego needs to take my pictures... I don't feel like doing it xD
10 years ago
I feel sexy today!
10 years ago
Uuuuugh allergies. But I might be moving! :3