49Friends 9Fans
female Bradenton, FL, United States
10 years ago
Last night's episode of GoT was GLORIOUS!
10 years ago

A year later and I still have the best fajahsan in all of SL!
10 years ago
Why is it in FL there's only 2 temperatures? Hell and only slightly cooler hell.
10 years ago
Still have open spots for next round of ATLT. IM me in world for details @ Iris Menna.
10 years ago
Watching the walking dead right now. Loving my fav trio. I would be happy if the show only followed Daryl, Michonne and Carl.
10 years ago
Woo I can finally post that post... just have to fake my way through the content >.>
10 years ago
All The Little Things still has a few open spaces for TD designers. This month's theme is Game of Thrones. Contact me inworld at Iris Menna.
10 years ago
Uuuugh tired. Gotta do sim checks on my big... and then bed.
10 years ago
Narrow minded people accusing other people of being narrow minded. Pfft. How are you going to trashtalk people on SL who dress a little skanky then say someone else who's standing up for them is narrow minded?