49Friends 9Fans
female Bradenton, FL, United States
10 years ago
So I'm finally watching Star Trek Into Darkness, and I have to laugh. Cause Kirk tells Chekov to put on a red shirt and he gets that horrified look and I'm like " He knows everyone in a red shirt dies!"
10 years ago
Good morning everyone!
10 years ago 4
So freaking hot! Uuuuuugh the south sucks!
10 years ago
Hmm... I have ideas... but Idk if anyone would do them.
10 years ago
Finally hit 30k views! Thanks for your support everyone it means so much to me!
.Ir. is
10 years ago
anyone else having issue with the mesh on the TD kid size? Like texture and mesh topwise?... And with a really big neck? Wtf?
10 years ago
Freaking hot!