49Friends 9Fans
female Bradenton, FL, United States
10 years ago
Avril Lavigne - Hello Kitty Still jamming out to this song 3 days later xD
10 years ago
I kinda wanna see godzilla now....
10 years ago
Anyone know anything about weight painting? http://i.gyazo.com/8ef697530aa51d96b8b55a6909758712.gif
10 years ago
Time for another day of work, where they will say I'm afk if I dare look away from my screen for a moment!
10 years ago
Holy shit, god forbid I look away from my screen for 30 seconds while working. Obviously if I don't respond within 5 seconds I'm afk or something, I can't just be looking away from my screen atm. WTF?
10 years ago
Why is it everyone else can completely and entirely miss work on sl but when I do it my bosses harass me the entire time trying to get me to come in.
10 years ago
.Ir. is
10 years ago
the grid like completely down? I can't log on ANY of my accounts keeps telling me to check the blog. What?