18Friends 14Fans
male West Palm Beach, FL, United States
"Uh, I'm just a warm person I guess"
J.T. says
15 years ago 7
Signs IS the best movie ever.
J.T. is
15 years ago
eating steak and kidney stew!
J.T. shares
15 years ago 10
I got a traffic ticket today...
J.T. is
15 years ago 3
at Subway with free wifi!
J.T. says
15 years ago 7
its cold today again
J.T. is
15 years ago 1
leaving for EMT school
J.T. is
15 years ago
in the studio! We are recording the guitars and bass
J.T. is
15 years ago 1
home from school and tired
J.T. has
15 years ago 5
nothing to do until later today!
J.T. is
15 years ago 4
playing a 5/4 groove!