6Friends 0Fans
female Singapore
Jadelzy says
15 years ago
i'm watching FANN WONG'S wedding on channel8 now!
Jadelzy says
15 years ago 6
i'm back from chalet with diarrohea? How do i spell it? See? It's eating my brain/stomach cells.
Jadelzy says
15 years ago
thats all you gave me.. WTH!
Jadelzy feels
15 years ago 1
hungry hungry hungry
Jadelzy feels
15 years ago 1
hungry now. HOW?!
Jadelzy feels
15 years ago
like slping...
15 years ago 2
somebody call 911, shawty? fire burning on the dancefloor
Jadelzy is
15 years ago
BORED!!!! i need some surprises.. good ones..
Jadelzy is
15 years ago
uploading pictures in a slower way on facebook because eliza's lappy got no java script...
Jadelzy is
15 years ago
currently using eliza's laptop! No one's at her home, im bored.....