9Friends 21Fans
female Duluth, GA, United States
work in HR. writer, cook, occasionally write about cooking, media fan, glbt activist, cancer survivor.

Am owned by 3 dogs and entirely too many cats.
Jael says
15 years ago 6
morning, lovelies
Jael is
15 years ago 3
wide awake and unhappy about it.
Jael shares
15 years ago 1
tone matrix on line -- is enchanted just click the boxes to add or remove a tone...it's hypnotizing.
Jael feels
15 years ago 6
like someone stuffed cotton in her head. Darn allergies.
Jael shares
15 years ago
salsa.wiredforchange.com... Whose BFF has been w/o ins for 3 years & is unable to afford private ins even if they would take her.
Jael shares
15 years ago
The Man Who Fell To Earth - Original Trailer
Jael shares
15 years ago 2
15 years ago 2
There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. ~makes a tarot spread of random quotes