Follow your heart, chase your dreams.....<3.....
Love can be easily made,
but as easily broken.,............
The best goal in life is:to live ,to love and to enjoy!............
I'm falling head over heels in love with you....
NiCe GuYs FiNiSh LaSt BeCaUsE TheY MakE SuRe TheiR WoMaN ComE FiRsT (",)............
What came first? Separation or Love?
I believe in love when it is mature, and I feel safe..............
Until you, I would have never imagined I could truly be this happy......
Love is like a cheese the longer you wait the better it is..............
Every girl wishes she didn't have to be the first.
The first to do what the guy won't.
Meet the parents...
So, tell me, where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart.......