Janee Isabell
56Friends 39Fans
female Alor Star, Malaysia
To know more about me? Do read my blog and would be thankful to you as your one-click means a lot.

Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
coffee bean in need
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
sien sia
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
night plurker
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
my foot got hurt :'-(
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
finally after 9 hours at college i am free
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
Pavillion (heart)
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
had sore throat...T_T
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
back from college
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago
classes are bored for me
Janee Isabell says
15 years ago