3Friends 8Fans
male Bontang, Indonesia
an employee at the fertilizer company in bontang, East Borneo. working 7-4 5 days a week. living a really boring life
Jow feels
16 years ago
changes is hard......and not so nice :-(
Jow needs
16 years ago
good food, it's been three days i had junk food for dinner !!
Jow is
16 years ago
lagi riweuh nyiapin audit buat jumat..... X-(
Jow is
16 years ago
trying to reach out my friends.....where are you guys?
Jow is
16 years ago
excited !!! my first environment audit is coming... B-)
Jow hates
16 years ago
when long weekend is over...... (bye)
Jow is
16 years ago
celebrating iedul adha w/o ketupat, family, and barely friends...just me, laptop, n some movies....pathetic :-(
Jow thinks
16 years ago
long distance is totally a lie.....i never thought it would be hard... (unsure)
Jow thinks
16 years ago
pacman is a killer.... :-))
Jow is
16 years ago
happy to get new uniform!! but exhausted to handwash it....prob i should get a washing machine... :-)