271Friends 106Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
不管你來自何方~只要你認同台灣是你的國家,且認同台灣不是中國的!,恭喜你~閣下已經擁有100%台灣人的血統~!Nice to Meet u!Taiwan is Taiwan, a independent nation! !Please recall the cabinet which deceive and betray the people and incompetent government!!!
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago
冷呀~~~ 日子真的過得好快呀!!
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago
PEGGY呀~~~ 要去那裏呀??
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago
(sick)0三芝到了晚上ㄝ爆冷的~~ :'-(
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago
偽君子!!!! 水泥頭腦~鴕鳥心態~~ 靠腰哩~~ S-A-G-A (angry)
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago 3
真的是太神囉!!! 媲美CSI TW 連勝文槍擊案是神...
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago 2
啥??? 國家副主席?? 中國公安明年初要進駐???挖哩哩類??!! 世界是怎末啦??
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago 3
shit ma der ~~ bull shit
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago 12
Julia~~X'mas 討厭
13 years ago 2