396Friends 111Fans
female United Kingdom
Ardent Pride and Prejudice and shark nut.

Feel free to add me if you'd like to keep up with store stuff or see my obsessing over the above things!

Junbuggy loves
9 years ago 5
cross dressing
Junbuggy loves
9 years ago 16
9 years ago 10
Ludwig van and I not happy in heat
Junbuggy is
9 years ago 9
HOME! And amazingly jet lagged (woot) now time to work on finishing Uber!
Junbuggy is
9 years ago 9
resisting watching OITNB!!! I have sworn a promise to wait until Sunday night when I get to Vancouver and then the man and I can watch it in bed together for once instead of on the headset!
Junbuggy shares
9 years ago 24
TBT! uploaded 2nd December 2008.
oh the SHAME! I challenge all other oldies to share their wonderful shame!
9 years ago 11
wedding gown meets game of thrones
9 years ago 3
my poor baby boy in his new masculine harness
9 years ago 26
the regency ball! regency I'm pleased to announce this project that has been planned since Zee and I first berated one another on here over who is the one TRUE Darcy