49Friends 6Fans
female Second life
My goal here is to tell you about nice locations you can explore in this wonderful world.
My general profile: about.me/justum
Hugs Justum
Justum shares
13 years ago 4
welcomes Chopine Aura on my timeline. (cozy)
Justum shares
13 years ago
new article on my blog: Angel manor: The ingredients for a perfect night in Second Life Justum explores
13 years ago 2
Please don't be angry, I read so much about those meero's. I see they're nice, cute and make funny sounds but why is it a hype?
Justum likes
13 years ago 4
to welcome an amazing artist in rl and SL: Scottius on my timeline
13 years ago 3
welcomes Aya Liotta on my timeline!
Justum shares
13 years ago
new article in The Torch: SL Guides
Justum shares
13 years ago 1
new scripting tool for #SL: community.secondlife.com...
Justum says
13 years ago 2
I wrote a new article about a wonderful #SL destination: justumexplores.wordpress...
Justum shares
13 years ago
new article in TheTorchSL:Frog's garden, a #sl garden where you can smell nature wp.me/p1gOxm-zk #secondlife