62Friends 60Fans
female Rimouski, QC, Canada
I past all my spare time doing some digital about Second Life online game. See my work here www.flickr.com/photos/karobelz/
KaRo says
15 years ago 9
G'morning (cozy)
KaRo says
15 years ago
karma drops faster than it raises! :-o
KaRo says
15 years ago 1
welcome to skyskull in my timeline (cozy)
KaRo shares
15 years ago 6
My modern dancer loll :-P MOV07369
KaRo shares
15 years ago
KaRo says
15 years ago 4
G'morning Plurkers! (cozy) Plenty of sun outside (headspin)
KaRo asks
15 years ago 5
who wants eat (hungry)pizza(mmm) with me?! I hate eating alone...
KaRo says
15 years ago
welcome to new friends Fricker and AngelicGlow (cozy) (wave)
KaRo is
15 years ago 5
eatin' breakfast with you-G'morning (cozy)
KaRo says
15 years ago
g'night even if it's too hot to sleep.. (cozy)