49Friends 95Fans
female Portugal
I Quote:- it's not the number of friends you have, but it's the quality of friendship that matters

KareL_Ona is
15 years ago 1
Stalked :-(
KareL_Ona feels
15 years ago
sleeefy (sleeping)
KareL_Ona is
15 years ago
soo stuffed:-&
KareL_Ona is
15 years ago
awake with errands on mind (unsure)
KareL_Ona is
15 years ago
continuing her laundry day part 2
KareL_Ona is
15 years ago 1
KareL_Ona is
15 years ago 1
heading to bed nitee
KareL_Ona is
15 years ago
Off out to her laundry room :-(
KareL_Ona hates
15 years ago
Laundry day Uff!!
KareL_Ona says
15 years ago
Morning ppl!! (wave)