23Friends 14Fans
female Albany, OR, United States
Exhausted and losing brain cells at a rate that exceeds the ability to be witty at the Plurk level.

Come visit me some more at Dreaming What Ifs...
KarmynR says
16 years ago 10
you know you're tired when you use the Carpet Spot Remover to clean the bathroom instead of the Clorox Clean-Up.
KarmynR wishes
16 years ago 16
Princess Buttercup a Happy Birthday today!
KarmynR has
16 years ago 5
made cupcakes for the 4th time in 2 weeks due to parties and festivals.
KarmynR wonders
16 years ago 4
why Plurk keeps updating me on a plurk I have muted.
KarmynR has
16 years ago 24
just finished canning 15 quarts of Tomato sauce.
KarmynR shares
16 years ago 17
Mini Noise Putty Addiction
KarmynR wonders
16 years ago 4
what else (www.thetimes.co.za/Print... Iran has been up to.