23Friends 14Fans
female Albany, OR, United States
Exhausted and losing brain cells at a rate that exceeds the ability to be witty at the Plurk level.

Come visit me some more at Dreaming What Ifs...
KarmynR shares
16 years ago 10
Indian/Japanese baby I don't know who to feel more sorry for.
KarmynR hopes
16 years ago 4
Obama will live up to hype and be a good President.
KarmynR shares
16 years ago 3
Old Fat Naked Women for Peace Peace Or ELSE!
KarmynR says
16 years ago 7
250 is the maximum "new" responses you can have unread at a time.
KarmynR is
16 years ago 10
doing a Plurk Drive-by. Hi, Bye, Catch ya later.....
KarmynR has
16 years ago 10
put in my order for tickets to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Now I wait to see if I get the tickets! Keep your fingers crossed.
KarmynR is
16 years ago 7
too tired to even Plurk. Sorry folks.
KarmynR says
16 years ago 13
I finished Eclipse last night and am still TEAM JACOB. Man that broke my heart.
KarmynR has
16 years ago 18
paid all the bills and is now feeling B.R.O.K.E.
KarmynR hates
16 years ago 15
to say it, but...Edward is an arrogant ass. Jacob has WAY more personality.