I asked God to give me happiness and God said, "No."
He said that He gives blessings; happiness is up to me. #God #Iloveyou
Funny conversation with my co-workers at #WellnessCenter. But, sad to say, my uniform had a wrong pattern. I hope it will be fixed soon. Please! Please!
Someone wants to court me? AS IN? It sounds great, but I think he has an eye problem. He don't know the difference of beauty and ugly. #Funny #Joke
It's my first time to use the computer on my office! I miss using a computer since that I'm unable to use my computer at home because of my busy schedule. #StudentsEvaluation #Tabulation #Graph
Home room visitation? I'm so excited to do it! I observed lately and it looks so interesting. #HomeRoom #HumanBingo #Observation
Done counseling two grade school student who had an argument that leads them to hurt each other. I'm glad that their self-realization was achieved so easily. #ILoveCounseling #CuteStudents
Fairy tale can never be compared to real life. But sometimes, real life can be fairy tale <3 #TeenClash #Wattpad
Kids reasoning are so cute. They're so innocent about what life is. They're so funny and cute most of the time. I love kids! #Grade1 #Guidance
I'm so tired! Oh my, I need to finished day 3 evaluation for tomorrow. I wish it will be done on wednesday. #Evaluation #Day3 #Excel #Graph #Tally
shares 10 years ago
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. #HolyTrinity #Faith #Catholic