L !
20Friends 9Fans
female Selangor, Malaysia
L ! asks
15 years ago
do you know the peter panda dance ?
L ! says
15 years ago
lets do the peter panda dance. :-D
L ! says
15 years ago 5
One day, Ryan cuts a cicak's head off and puts it in between his book as a book mark...
L !
15 years ago
skipped school today.
L ! says
15 years ago
round and round the garden runs a teddy bear. One Slap, Two Slap. Bloddy bloddy hell. (lmao)
L ! needs
15 years ago
to sleep. Stupid people.. FO la.
L ! says
15 years ago 8
Joy to the world, my teacher's dead.
L ! feels
15 years ago 2
tired after returning from training. 3months of not training has become hell for me now. :-o
L ! is
15 years ago 1
off to bed. woohooo...
L ! asks
15 years ago 15
are you holy? or are you holely? :-D