29Friends 3Fans
female Western, MA, United States
Wife, Mom, Knitter, very cool geek.
Kateknits says
10 years ago
Yum. Peanut butter and jelly for dinner. It's the little things (smileydance)
Kateknits says
10 years ago 1
(coffee) I just want to sit all day with my coffee and my cross stitching. But, work is calling me (eyeroll)
Kateknits says
10 years ago 2
Good morning
Kateknits thinks
10 years ago 2
It's time to go to bed. Night all :-)
10 years ago 2
came home from work feeling really awful. hope I'm not getting sick :'-(:-&
10 years ago
I haven't been on plurk in a million years. I've lost all of my friends :-(
Kateknits feels
11 years ago
bad because I've ignored my plurk so long I have 0 karma
13 years ago
Day off and I have nothing but knitting planned. JOY!!!!
Kateknits feels
13 years ago
Dizzy and cruddy today but I have to go to work anyway.
Kateknits says
13 years ago
good morning!!! it's 20 whole degrees here (no_dance)