33Friends 17Fans
female Second Life, United States
Hi I'm Katie Lehmann, a kid in the world of Second Life, but of course an adult in real life. I have the best freinds and family in Second life that I love dearly. I'm always up for some kind fun or mischief:-)
15 years ago 7
Happy Sunday Plurkaderks!
KatieL wishes
15 years ago 5
her Plurkey buddies sweet dreams (cozy)
15 years ago 7
OMG I plurk, I change my pic, I change my background and I still loose Karma! WHY? (angry)
15 years ago 9
woke up this morning to discover the KAT Poopped on the couch overnight, grr! (angry)Morning Plurkaroos! (:
KatieL loves
15 years ago 7
:-DFridays - Mornin Plurkikins!
KatieL loves
15 years ago 4
her Plurk buddys nini all (cozy)
KatieL shares
15 years ago 4
https://images.plurk.com/3921736_068d53023cd9ae4847156635d350c76b.jpg I hav'nt seen my family much all week so I left a message in chalk at home. :'-(
KatieL thinks
15 years ago
you Plurkaroos have been chatty today. Did everyone have a good day? (dance)
KatieL says
15 years ago 4
at least I don't have too much booty in the pants this mornin like Abby (griltongue)
KatieL says
15 years ago 7
the darn cat puked and made me get up at 5:00 am and now I can't go back to sleep. Mornin Plurkakins (wave)