66Friends 7Fans
female Florence, MS, United States
I love to knit, crochet, and read. I am a total podcast fangirl.
KatieMc1229 is
11 years ago 6
Sitting in my room at the hospital waiting to be taken to surgery.
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago 13
Friends, I would appreciate any thoughts and prayers you can send my way. I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I had the lump removed two weeks ago and will have my chemo port put in tomorrow.
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago 4
I found out last week that my department is closing at the end of the year. I'm getting too old to go job-hunting! :'-(
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago 8
I got wait-listed for SSK 2014.
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago 1
Frasier Crane just said "shameless self promotion". I think he stole that from Amy Beth!
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago
just ordered yarn for my Mom's Christmas gift... a Color Affection in greys.
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago 3
I may have just spent a bit of my SSK money on a bag from thefatsquirrel... and it has squirrels on it!!
KatieMc1229 wishes
11 years ago 1
A very happy birthday to cawshirley!!
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago 3
knittinwolf I just paused your podcast to go throw that chicken teriyaki recipe in the crockpot! (hungry)
KatieMc1229 says
11 years ago 3
the lady ahead of me in line at the bank seems to be doing the electric slide...