90Friends 91Fans
female Republic, MO, United States
I have a great husband and a sweet 8-year-old daughter. I am a graduate assistant (T.A.) working on my Ph.D. I enjoy scrapbooking in the little free time I have.
Keila is
13 years ago
super tired today, but I'll make it thru. I get to leave early since dd has a musical at school tonight. I'm really looking forward to that!
Keila says
13 years ago 3
Busy, busy, busy ... & probably will be for the rest of the semester.
Keila says
13 years ago 36
Shit. Church council budget meeting tonight - they're recommending dh's salary stay the same but changing health ins. from plan B to D -
Keila says
13 years ago 1
Next semester will be semester will be better... :-)
Keila gives
13 years ago 2
a heart-felt "thank you" to all of our veterans for your sacrifice and service!
Keila says
13 years ago 3
It's gray & rainy, but at least that means they can't work on tarring the roof next door, so I don't have to deal with the fumes today!
Keila says
13 years ago 4
I'm going to bed even though I haven't graded my students' group activities from Thurs. I've been working almost non-stop since lunch, &
Keila says
13 years ago 5
I'm not sure if I like the series The Walking Dead or not. We're watching the 3rd episode with friends on Netflix at their house.
Keila thinks
13 years ago 1
it's bed time. I was up at 5:20 (which is actually a bit late for a Tues. or Thurs., but which is still really early).
Keila says
13 years ago 1's cold out there today! But I'm here & ready to combat ignorance, both in others & in myself! :-D