D. Sommersault
18Friends 9Fans
female Surabaya, Indonesia
Why Sommersault? Dunno, just feel like it.

Life is simple like that
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
one of a kind!!!!!"
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
sofi dengan tutorial cara melototin orang pas solat, kate dengan tutorial hijabnya, imey dengan warna warni pensil warnanya yang semakin memudar =))
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
dj dengan baju koko+kerudung ibu2 pengajian tapi muka preman, nia dengan rukuh bau balsemnya, kentor dengan rukuh multi fungsinya =))
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
I sleep like a beer during the winter. And the spring, and the summer, and the fall.
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
RIP cory :'-(
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
"cl & minzy were dancing, park sisters are struggling" lol =)))
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
man, 2ne1 on running man! omg omg I'm hyperventilating!!!
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
falling in love kece bets. apalagi minzy :-o tapi itu kenapa cowok taksirannya bom rambutnya kayak medusa?
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
Magic; the cutest taeminzy fanfiction =)))
D. Sommersault
11 years ago
where are you bommie T_T