19Friends 14Fans
female Singapore
C.laire! is
15 years ago
SPAMMING jekjan. and laughing like... (LOL)
C.laire! says
15 years ago
optimus! :-)
C.laire! says
15 years ago
he lied, i lied. and nothinq left;
C.laire! is
15 years ago
C.laire! says
15 years ago
michael jackson is deaddeaddeaddead.
15 years ago
CANNOT BELIEVE THT a chiobu said jekjan is HOT. :-&omfg man, ruisheng! see!
15 years ago
just got wad jonathan means, oh man. B-)
C.laire! gives
15 years ago
J a bigbig huggie! (cozy)
C.laire! hopes
15 years ago
there's one more week of holiday :-(
C.laire! feels
15 years ago
rs is a sicko?