Lucy Heartfilia
2Friends 0Fans
female Mount Vernon, NY, United States
Twitch Channel: Twitch
Lucy Heartfilia
6 years ago
This thread just makes me so happy giggling fit to tears
Lucy Heartfilia
6 years ago 6
Pet peeves : I have a few but I'd say my biggest is telling someone I don't like a thing and then they go out of their way to show or tell me things about it because they think my disgust or discomfort is FUNNY.

This has happened too. :|
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago 2
Dang, was looking at a new game for Bella or someone, but of course I encounter reason to not app there. :/ and meh, there don't seem to be any horror/survival games about. :/a Bweh. Guess i'll have to stick to memes. n.n
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago
Suuuure I'll do one of these Friendship/Romance question memes. Haven't done one in ... ever. So have at if you want!
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago 2
For one of my New Years Resolutions, I need to buckle down and either sell off or trade in the tons of games if been hanging onto hut never play. also need to trade in my Xbox 360 before the value of everything drops to a nickel.
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago 32 @Edit 7 years ago
[ RP ] quietly buries herself ten feet under I hate 'if I knew then, what I know now' situations. XD I'm a dumb bunny
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago
gigglefits at a game Next time someone asks me what I'm drinking at work, I'm going to tell them I have a Luxury Personal Hydration Preservation System in place. I.e. I'm drinking water. :-D
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago 10
[ Kitties ] These two are always difficult to photograph, either because they won't sit still long enough, or when they do, something sabotages it. In this case, me messing up the first picture because I started giggling at them. Case in point:
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago 3
These two are just such great friends not. (wipes away a tear)
Lucy Heartfilia
7 years ago 26
eyes the Enable me Meme and ponders. HRM. Setting Mode to: Do I in fact want a second game again...