Blergh. It's always disappointing when I unsub from a youtuber I followed for years, out of disgust or disappointment with their content :/ oh well~ Still got plenty of other youtubers that are more interesting lately. :3
[ Overheard conversations ] I am tickled. We're supposed to get windy/rain tomorrow; one person in the cabbie's office was saying we were getting a blizzard coming from Alaska, the other says 'No, it's coming from the government'. It took a great amount of effort not to burst out into giggles, because i think he actually believed that.
Just a heads up, I'm going to be on hiatus about a week, any current threads I'm in, feel free to handwave, retcon or whatever so I'm not holding anyone up~!
Got caught up in a conversation about future relationships today somehow. I have a relatively calm temper but little gets me enraged faster than people who do the "you'll change your mind" when I explain that I've never been in a relationship and I never will be because I don't want one."
One thing I will always regret in past rp.. and I mean long ago rps I'm not part of anymore, is never telling the so called friends I had who decided to be total asshats out of nowhere, precisely where they could shove their stuck up, cliqueish, disrespectful, attitudes. But back then i never thought it was worth getting angry about :/
[RL] Second time in as many months the SAME cabbie tells me to get out and take a different cab because he wants to go in a different direction that his two other passengers were going in. c-c I don't know if I should be annoyed by it, or appreciative he at least dropped me off at the nearby taxi station where there were other cabs waiting