67Friends 35Fans
female Columbia, SC, United States
I love pop punk and power pop.

I am double majoring in business economics and marketing with a minor in stat.
LucyMurray asks
15 years ago
why am I still awake?
LucyMurray thinks
15 years ago
this entire spring break is going to dedicated to working unpaid jobs.
LucyMurray asks
15 years ago 1
why do people still use Plurk? Is it as awesome as it was in the summer?
LucyMurray wonders
15 years ago 7
if anyone is still out there.
LucyMurray is
16 years ago 4
so confused.
16 years ago 6
awww I have 0 karma and it's my birthday. :-(
16 years ago 2
almost misses the days of plurking all night.
LucyMurray asks
16 years ago 5
how is the plurk world doing these days?
LucyMurray asks
16 years ago 2
does anyone else love yahoo live? It's so fun
16 years ago 4
wonders how her karma is so low.