2Friends 3Fans
female Durham, NC, United States
LunaBunny hopes
15 years ago 3
undead clowns don't really hang out in monitorkitty's attic.
LunaBunny loves
15 years ago 4
her kitties and her boys! :-)
LunaBunny wonders
15 years ago
why the fact that it is a snow day makes her so incapable of getting stuff done! Yargh, mayber it's just cos it's Moanday!
15 years ago
oops, "Flurries!"
15 years ago
exclaims "flurries!"
LunaBunny thinks
15 years ago
Tim was pleasant, and Ian was his usual shifty, uncomfortable self. Acts like he thinks the cool police are gonna catch him talking to us.
LunaBunny is
15 years ago
tickled that she got to see Larry Kirwan this morning in G-boro. N & I also saw Ian & Tim as we were leaving.
LunaBunny is
15 years ago 2
sad for her friend Calvin who lost his Mom but happy for her other friend Kim who just had a baby girl. Life. Cycles.
LunaBunny is
15 years ago 7
15 years ago 2
found out this evening that A. is 9th in his class! Proud!