on the way to Hollywood with Siyaada, Evan and Mark! adventure!
watching Jurassic Park. I haven't watched this in years. it's been so long that I don't even remember anything in it but just one scene.
Happy Birthday Ashley!! I knew it was today. I just kept forgetting to text you~!
neglecting the use of Plurk. all I could think of right now is what tomorrow brings.
I survived Physics. now what about Calculus? /:
scouting for other options. before that is realized, it's time to submerge my brain once again in the unthinkable. where do I go from here?
studying. cue Daft Punk's "One More Time" for motivation!
watching Air Force One on HBO.
study tonight for her exam on Tuesday. I will not, I repeat, WILL NOT, get a C!
if there was one song you'd have to sing for me to take you back, that one would be it.