23Friends 15Fans
female Singapore
12 years ago
for the meantime... lets do some situps baby
12 years ago
not gonna get it done till my birthday. an iphone would be the best bday present but s'ok, a navel piercing would be nice too ;]
12 years ago
work on my stomach, bellybutton piercing, then 1/3 done with preparations for finals :-P
12 years ago
Class 4th floor, every morning people walk in confirm all got the same reaction/face. Hahaha. Tired face.
12 years ago 2
I bring you all sweet when I come sch okie. expensive oneeee, must savour the flavor ok LOL
★p0opi3z♡ shares
12 years ago
13 years ago
tablo ranked #5 on mtv iggy top 20 debut album ;w; <3
13 years ago
Had fun playing nerf with K. Hahahaha. Qtpie.
13 years ago
And one more thing!!!!
13 years ago
I hope you will have suicidal thoughts, I hope the pain will suffocate you so much that you feel like dying. I seriously... ugh. DAMN!!!