9Friends 1Fans
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
i love odd weeks! :-D! mondays, wednesdays and thursdays seem so free~
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
alright! laptop is as good as new and geared up for the new techs~ :-D!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
guess wad? my lappie is restored back to factory settings! :-(! darn wifi~ :-o!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
the new sound system in the living room, one word: ROCKS.internet tv, picture browsing, iphone-ing, all-in-one. :-D!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
See no bad in what is not bad. :-)!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
whole day shag out~ i got a nail-less toe now. :-o! and my heart pain pain becoz of the slippers.. :x!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
old home theatre system went into my room, new home theatre system at living room which has SUPERB new functions, new ultra cool SHAVER! :-D!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
wonderful day! :-D! $_$! and wads more, new gadgets at home! XP!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
:-o! zombie. panda.
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
i don't know what i did, but i miraculously repaired the wifi on my laptop. :-D!