9Friends 1Fans
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
i keep smelling durians~ even with a powerful nose block.. :-o!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
i hate it when there is no tv program for me to watch while i am resting. :-(!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
the aircon at TG, one word: powerful~ right side block, unblock, left side block, unblock and back to the right, den to the left~
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
i actually practised the art of subconscious listening~ X)!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
great day~ butt pain, sore legs, heavy head, droopy eyes but pages of CHINESE notes. :-D!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago 7
new hairstyle~ :-)!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago
can't think properly~! :-(! my mind's a mess. o.0'''~ it's time to do SORTING! :-)!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago 2
and they are off~ the beginning of a new stage in their life~ jia you! :-)!
MRidunnodude says
14 years ago 3
何润东 is really too koreanie looking le lah! :-o! romantica~ hahahahahax!