13Friends 15Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
I'm really tall, I teach, make stuff and love to cook. What else you want to know? The answer is probably at nermo.com
Quinn says
15 years ago 7
it's the first day of the spring semester. Wonder what I will teach today. Suggestions?
Quinn is
15 years ago 31
fucked on his taxes. I owe over a grand.
Quinn shares
15 years ago 8
Roller derby tonight at Kezar Stadium. Drinks beforehand at my place right across the street.
Quinn wants
15 years ago 4
Quinn wonders
15 years ago 3
what to eat for lunch
Quinn is
15 years ago 7
done with the Fancy Food Show. Has lots to blog about!
15 years ago 14
Scored a PRESS PASS to the Fancy Food Show at Moscone!
Quinn is
15 years ago 10
prepping recipes for Iron Chef: Battle Chocolate blog.nermo.com/?p=1097
Quinn has
15 years ago 6
finally bought his netbook
Quinn has
15 years ago 6
just experienced his first failwhale.