5Friends 5Fans
female Singapore
MaMa_P feels
13 years ago
motivated by my DArling Wan Xin. Even though she is only 19. But she's damn mature.
MaMa_P says
13 years ago
正在使用免費的 Android Lady Plurk
MaMa_P has
13 years ago
downloaded Lady Plurk for my Android mobile.
MaMa_P has
13 years ago
updated Joshua's blog. :-D
MaMa_P says
14 years ago
I'm so bored!!!!!
MaMa_P says
14 years ago
Goodnight to all! Another working week in 7hrs & 10mins!
MaMa_P has
14 years ago
Swollen eyes.
MaMa_P feels
14 years ago
So unwell. Going to fall sick.
MaMa_P feels
14 years ago
terrible and very upset. Why can't he just stop being selfish an volunteer to stay over when I already told him that he can? It's been 2hrs.
MaMa_P says
14 years ago
2nd day at KKH. Wonders when will Joshua start drinking?