6Friends 4Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
MaksAntonelli says
12 years ago 3
whooaa ohhh sometimes. i get a good feeling. yeah. i get a feeling like i never never had before oh no. I get a good feeling, yeah.
MaksAntonelli is
12 years ago
going to DJ tonight in SL @ 7pm
12 years ago 5
if anyone wants a valentines day poem today let me know. ill dish it out. if its for your lover, for you, or you just want to challenge me.
MaksAntonelli is
12 years ago 1
Playing Levels while listening to these things listen to Levels. Epic.
MaksAntonelli wonders
12 years ago 4
how the heck do you see alerts while mobile? to accept a friend request. i really dont see anything that says alerts
MaksAntonelli is
12 years ago
now DJing live at his SL house.
MaksAntonelli wonders
12 years ago 5
if people actually get addicted to Plurk
MaksAntonelli has
12 years ago
a possible DJ set tonight at B.E.D.
MaksAntonelli is
12 years ago
too lazy to change shit to 'says'
MaksAntonelli is
12 years ago 5
Plurk Newb. Secondlife DJ. Will it help me meet people? We'll see. hahaha.