Morning tweeples
Just found out "Dark Side of the Moon" has more chapters (and videos, too!) - gonna go check out more from Edward's point of view...
ciaraj13 lol - we should!!
ciaraj13 Ah.... thanks for the tip. I was wondering how it was gonna work?!
twilight_4000 hehe - let me know what he says!!
twilight_4000 There's a mini Twilight convention in Los Angeles come May... (hint, hint!)
ciaraj13 I never even heard who won the raffle?! got film cell #322 - nothing spectacular - which one did u get?
twilight_4000 Either of those places are just a few hours away - we can figure something out!!!
ciaraj13 oh yes, we hit up Hot Topic for our copies. How 'bout you?
twilight_4000 oh HELL yeah - you have to let me know if you ever have plans to visit Cali!!